I was just reading where the entire Angeles Crest is BACK OPEN! Several parts had been closed due to landslides / fire damage, etc but is now fully open.
Here's a link to the drive:
http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source= ... Flintridge)&geocode=FT2VDAIdry78-A%3BFYP4CQIdbk70-CFS_EvH5M-Xnw&hl=en&mra=pe&mrcr=0&sll=34.28999,-117.96529&sspn=0.501495,0.878906&ie=UTF8&ll=34.292396,-117.949219&spn=0.501482,0.878906&z=10
Some have compared this drive to the Dragon, but you can hit 4th gear!
It would have to be an over-nighter or maybe even a 3day weekend - thoughts?
I'm willing to help organize - maybe see if Sin City MINIs or a CA Club wants to participate?