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Neighborhood MINI & Freeway MINI

PostPosted: Wed May 09, 2012 1:13 am
There is a blue base MINI in my neighborhood (2nd gen) that I see almost every morning whiz by my house as I'm about to pull out of the garage. It's that sort of blue-grey color, I forget the name. This morning, I was actually able to catch up to the driver, all the way to the freeway at Carefree Hwy. This driver didn't seem to enjoy me being around, cuz when we got on the freeway, he cut me off, then sped away in the HOV lane :( Oh well.

Also saw a red 2nd gen base MINI on the I-17 northbound yesterday, with plates that said WHEEEEE1 (or something like that). I got on the freeway with this person as well, but I later passed them and went on my merry way.

PostPosted: Wed May 09, 2012 2:28 pm
by azdavis
Not everyone is a Happy MINI motor'er :) I for one have a perma-smile when I drive!

I had a pepper Clubman next to me when I left work yesterday, after three stop lights of them not even looking over I motored on (Into a fast curve to have fun)